Contribution of comrade Marijan Kubik, memmber of the CC of NKPJ responsible for international relations Dear comrades, Let me greet, on behalf of the New... Više
The development of the class struggle and proletarian internationalism as the answer to bourgeois nationalism and the danger of imperialist war.” Dear comrades, let me... Više
Intervention on the 14 International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties of comrade Aleksandar Banjanac on behalf of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia Dear... Više
The criminal attacks by Israel on Palestinian and Syrian territory are integrated in a strategy of imperialist war and aggression in the Middle East that... Više
The new Management Board, Central Committee and Party Secretary have been elected. Comrade Batric Mijovic has been appointed as the new Secretary General and comrade... Više
On Saturday, 17.December 2011, death took away our comrade Branko Kitanovic, the General Secretary of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia, from the battle lines.... Više
Dear comrades, It is with deep grief and sorrow that we heard the tragic news about the loss of comrade Kim Jong Il, General Secretary... Više
Dear comrades, with the great regret and pain we announce that on December 17th 2011, the General Secretary of the New Communist Party of Yugoslavia... Više
SOCIALISM IS THE FUTURE! The international situation and the experience of the communists 20 years after the counterrevolution in the USSR. The tasks for the... Više